Archive for the ‘You are errant’ Category

Bob Saget: not dead?

January 25, 2022

Bob Saget: dead. “I don’t think that’s true.”—Joe Rogan

Wake up Sheeple! Bob Saget is not dead. Bob Saget dying even from the booster is fake news. Everyone knows that it is an FBI False Flag by BLM and Antifa. The Mainstream Media is covering up this fact with fake news articles and disingenuous quotes from bought and paid-for crisis actors. In fact, the supposed dead “Bob Saget” is a bought and paid-for crisis actor. THEY’re doing this to hide THEIR crimes against humanity. I read this in an anonymous comment on the Joe Rogan Experience Facebook page (he told me to guzzle down urine and gobble up horse bull shit to prevent Covid and he nor Joe certainly aren’t bought and paid for by the for-profit BIG Natural industries*) so I know this is the TRUTH. I’d rather question the official narrative than buy whatever Lamestream Media is selling.

*- BIG Natural’s obscene; “sinister” and “highly suspicious” profits: One estimate of the worth of the organic and natural beauty market puts it at $54,000,000,000 by 2027. The essential oil market will be worth roughly $7,300,000,000 by 2024. Those numbers are in the billions. With a B. Don’t get it twisted; “all-natural” doesn’t mean it’s not entirely FOR PROFIT. (Source: anonymous whistleblower from Project Veritas’ script department).

Question everything—question your mom’s last name; question your birth certificate. Did you know that Bob Saget and Bill Gates are one and the same person? Have you ever seen Bill Gates and Bob Saget in the same room? No—well there you go. Other similarities: they both are male; human mammals; have first names that start with a B; wear glasses—Their glasses both have lenses, they both have earpieces…and wait, they both have hair and a nose and TWO eyes. Checkmate Statists! Deep State: Confirmed (source: military).

Also, their names are anagrams for STAGE as in this is a staged event by bought and paid-for FBI Crisis Actors taking checks from George Soros: a False Flag distraction to cover up all that’s being revealed by the forensic audit: MASSIVE Boater fraud by dead Trump Biden supporters. Not to mention that Bob Saget was known for starring in the TV sitcom Full House and what is a house full of? WINDOWS. And who created Windows? BILL GATES. This is proof that Bill Gates was an invention of the CIA’s Hollywood propaganda unit created to distract the populace from their “nefarious hidden Masonic agenda.” It all makes sense now.

Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman? The paperboy? Evening TV?

Don “QQ 4 Qaron” Jobson

Top Ten Illuminaughty Facts About Mike Morrell Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You To Know

January 12, 2021

Wake Up with a side of bacon; eggs; and toast and coffee Sleeple! Here are ten Illuminutty facts about Mike Morrell (ATEETHa) you may not know:

  1. Mike AnTEETHa once started and controlled a tornado storm system (John Piper told us so before he was Farewelled) John Piper On The Southeastern Storm System | (
  2. Mike once had a drinking contest with the Pope and lost (Proof of something sinister as the Pope is a Commie–the greatest expert on Catholicism Rush Limbaugh said so) Mike Morrell’s Romanist Leanings | (
  3. Mike rode a bus twice both ways in the snow just so he could vote for Biden more than three times (Proof of Massive Voter Fraud—-Factchecked by Stop The Steel) Terrifying Freedom | Linda Smith | Mike Morrell
  4. Mike is actually undead ((Proof the Election was rigged by dead people—-Factchecked: I saw a meme on Parler before BIG Tech aka Mike AnTEETHa took it down) Take A Stand gives expert advice on spotting the Emergent Church | ( Interview with a vampire (heretic) | (
  5. Mike once tried to out cuss Mark Driscoll the “cussing” pastor (who may or may not still be Emerging)—Mark still saved more people (Proof of how unsaved Mike is) Way of The Master Radio Endorses Mark Driscoll! | ( Don’t be like foul mouth Mark Driscoll! Be more like Martin Luther! | ( Mark Driscoll the Cussing Pastor, forgets to Cuss During Sermon! | (
  6. Mike was once heard saying “mene mene tekel tekel upharsin” (we have no idea what that means but it sounds sinister—just don’t Google it or BIG Tech will track and purge you)
  7. Mike’s favorite candy are M & M’s which stands for make more slave masks for men (the Marx of the Beast) THE MASK IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST!! (
  8. Mike is secretly colluding and conspiring with Tripp Fuller and Chad Holtz; Chad as you may not know is colluding with BIG Tech (Amazon); Chad is a secret Hindu agent spy (Proof of a vast Deep State CONSPIRACY against us) Chad Holtz And Mike Morrell’s Emergent Village Possibly Found | ( Jeff Bezos is D. B. Cooper | ( Is Chad Holtz a Secret Hindu Agent? | Protector of the Truth ( Backed up by Christian Research Network and our late affectionate uncle and mentor Ken Silva of Apprising TONY JONES AND TRIPP FULLER ON THEOLOGY AFTER GOOGLE : Apprising Ministries PASTOR CHAD HOLTZ EXPLAINING CHRISTIAN UNIVERSALISM : Apprising Ministries
  9. Mike like Chad thought he actually got saved by shaking Rob Bell’s hand (Proof he has no idea what he’s talking about) CHURCH HISTORY – The Unholy Alliance of nearly 2,000 Years ( Factchecked by Pope John MacArthur (PBUH) and Youtube

10. Mike eats wild geese pizza (Q proven right once again) wild goose festival Archives – Lighthouse Trails Research Project

11. Extra fact: Mike and his cohort of a Global Elitist cabal are trying to bring down Free Speech Wiki aka Metapedia Metapedia – Wikipedia (Factchecked by Gary North and Reason’s “Special” Issue)

Legacy: The Late Ken Silva Wanted To Rename Southern Baptist Convention newly rediscovered documents reveal

December 3, 2019


Quote the late Ken Silva: “As one who was ordained as an SBC pastor in the mid-90s I kind of agree that a name change for the SBC would help clarify where this denomination is currently at. Filled as it is with leaders who don’t have to lead, hiding as they do behind its Idol of Autonomy, the SBC’s becoming anything goes.”
(Source: Apprising Ministries)

How dare those Southern Baptists believe in Baptist doctrine! We must most mightily put a stop to this. While we’re at it we must put a stop to the SBC’s Idol of Credobaptism as well. Anything goes in this Truth War, right? As we all know the Roman Catholic Church and the Reformers taught that Infant Baptism is the only correct way to baptize. How dare those Southern Baptists lack Doctrinal Purity in their man-centered idolatry of baptizing believers!

We must also bring back State Churches… who needs to keep religion and government separate anyways? We most greatfully thank you our late Affectionate Uncle Ken for being in the front-lines in getting our important message across that God wants America to be enslaved to theocratic tyranny. Rushdoony, David Barton and the great and all powerful Worldview Weekend couldn’t have done as great a work as he did.

We vote that we also place statues of Spurgeon and the great General and Holiest Apostle of our Truth War: our Pope of all Truth John MacArthur (P. B. U. H.) in the sanctuary of every Southern Baptist church. Phil Johnson agrees and Rhoblogy adds that a statue or two of James White—“Rockstar” wouldn’t hurt as that would provide extra protection from Doctrinal corruption. Speaking of Spurgeon whom Discernmentalists love to quote from ala our late Uncle in Discernmentalism—our Research Robot Monkeys discovered that he was doctrinally impure so he might not be as great as Phil and his John, son!

Personally the ODMafia moves to change the SBC’s name to Saved By Calvinism as only Calvinism saves not Jesus.

New Apostate Airline Found

May 22, 2019


Behold the hideous heresies in all their unreformed synergistic horrors!! Just a word of caution you have been warned. Our Research Robot Monkeys are always on the look out for all things apostate and heretical including airlines—so listen to our warnings or else be caught in the winds of false doctrines. This has been another PSA from the Online Discernmentalist Mafia. Help us in our Truth War to bring the Pure Doctrines of the Protestant Reformation to the Lutherans as they are all unsaved heretics and apostates. In fact Luther who began the Protestant Reformation wasn’t Protestant at all.


The ODMafia crew

We Support Religious Liberty!

October 5, 2011

Why support Religious Liberty and the Separation of Church and State when you can do the complete opposite! Support us and our Alliance Defense Fund.

We stand for “real” Religious Liberty:

Among other “Religious Liberty” issues.  * – And by Christians, we mean only those who hold to a Strict interpretation of Orthodox 5-point Dortian Calvinism. Since Mary-worshipping Papists, Arminianist free-will idolaters, Lutherans, anaBaptists, Greeks and other non-Reformed churches are Semi-Pelagian, they are all non-Christian religions—because they reject the “True Gospel.”

We “poor” Christian majority are tired of being  discriminated against in our own Country—remember this Great Nation was founded upon “Christian principles” and that all of our Founding Fathers were “good Bible-Believing Calvinists” especially Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. It’s time we do something and take back our Religious Liberty: to spread more Partisan politics and hate.

For decades, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other radical anti-Christian groups have been on a mission to eliminate public expression of our nation’s faith and heritage. By influencing the government, filing lawsuits, and spreading the myth of the so-called “separation of church and state,” the opposition has been successful at forcing its leftist agenda on Americans.

Their targeted attacks on religious freedom are more serious and widespread than you may realize. In courtrooms and schoolrooms, offices and shops, public buildings and even churches…those who believe in God are increasingly threatened, punished, and silenced.

Help us take a stand for “true” Religious Liberty and support God’s Only Inerrant Party in 2012: vote Brannon Howse/Michael Reagan!

(Issac Backus and Roger Williams be damned!)

John Calvin “Frisked” At Liberty and Grace Reformed Church

September 21, 2011

Pastor Steven Dilday in echo of George W. Bush’s “Patriot Act” opts to create the first ever “Clergy Act” in an attempt to root out all those spiritual terrorists who dare to partake in the sins of the Whore of Babylon—the Scarlet Mother of all Harlots: the Roman Catholic Cult by wearing robes and stoles to preach. Quote Steven Dilday: “this is the most pressing and urgent of issues of our time—we should hold the theology of those who wear vestments in the pulpit suspect.” One of the first victims of Pastor Dilday’s Clergy Act was a John Calvin impersonator who was held suspect for looking too sinisterly like a Jesuit gestapo in his black robes:

We most mightily thank Pastor Dilday for bringing this clear and most important teaching on one  of  “the most pressing and urgent of issues of our time.” Why if a John Calvin impersonator can be held theologically suspect then we must also hold the real Calvin theologically suspect! On a related note—Pastor Dilday elsewhere declared that Calvinists should abandon Calvin for not being Truly Refomed and Calvinistic enough. We agree as Calvin was a little too Semi-Pelagian for our tastes and did not hold to the Truth of the Ways of our Master.

Remember this is a Truth War after-all so we must hold everyone accountable to ourStandard of ourTruth of ourPure Doctrines. Thankfully you have this humble Truly Reformed Bible-Believing Truth War Discernment Ministry to Take A Stand in ourDoctrines on “this most pressing and urgent of issues of our time.” We here at this ministry are all about grace and nothing but Grace… in fact we are the most Grace-loving man-hating site on the net. We would never ever heap the burden of the Law upon you or preach anything like a Works-Salvation unlike those Grace-hating man-glorfiying Catholic-worshippers. We just expect you to keep ourRules lest we deem you unworthy of God’s Grace and therefore unfit for the Kingdom.

So Liberty and Grace To You, God’s Only Elect in the Great Grace of the wide and loving mercy of our Angry God’s Sovereign Hate and Wrath.


Update # 1: Martin Luther wore vestments clearly he must have hated liberty and grace for partaking in the sin of the Papists.

Update # 2: We caught one of our own Ken Silva wearing a bathrobe… he must be on the Road to Rome. Now we must put his site under surveillance.

Update # 3: Johnathan Edwards wore a clerical collar… a clear perversion of the Doctrines of Grace.

Update # 4: We wiretapped Ken Silva’s phone and overheard Ken talking with Chris Rosebrough (an avowed Lutheran) and Ingrid of SOL/Crosstalk (a possible Lutheran). Now we must really put his site under surveillance as now we really have reason to suspect that he is Emerging into Rome.

Update # 5: Oh horror of horrors… the Ways of the Master himself caught preaching sans coat and tie in a Rick Warrenesque shirt. He’s one step closer to Rick Warren’s heretical Purpose-Driven Agenda.

The Pure Gospel

September 17, 2011

Anyone who doesn’t believe this is a heretical Semi-Pelagian Godless Reprobated Pagan. We know with Absolute Certainty that world doesn’t mean world but means Elect only which is why the Biblical author of John used the Greek word κόσμος (literal meaning: universe) instead of the Greek word for Elect ἐκλεκτός. Of course to the Truly Saved, this makes Absolutely perfect sense being that we are of the True Regenerated Converts which is why this Hard and Mature Teaching will go over the heads of heretical False Converts.

This is why Arminianist Whack-jobs, Barthians, Eastern Orthodox Romanists, Emergents, Lutherans, Papists, Pentacostal toungue-Babel-ers, Purpose-Seeker-Driven Contemplatives, rebaptizers and any other group who hates our Pure Doctrines are ignorant of the True Gospel. Armianian merit-mongering Free Willists are especially ignorant because of their man-centered idolatry in believing that world means world. What’s next— are ignorant Arminian pseudo-Math scholars going to tell us True Bible Believers that 2+2=4.  “2+2” always=4, right? Laughable and blasphemous heresy as we of God’s Truly Regenerated Elect know that 2+2 really=10.

New Quick And Painless Way

June 27, 2011

To Remove Jesus From Your Heart:

Have you ever asked Jesus into your heart? What about accepting Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life? Or receiving Jesus to fill your God-shaped hole? Is Jesus more important to you than any other religious leader? If you answered yes to any of the following—congratulations you’re not even a Real and True Christian and most likely worship Satan, the Pope or Mary as your dark lord and master a False Convert.

If you have found that you were rated a False Convert—never fear Todd Friel with Brannon Howse’s help have introduced a new quick and pain-free way to reverse your status and make sure that you become a True Convert this time around. Introducing the new surgical procedure to surgically remove Jesus from False Converts’ hearts: Operation JesuScopic Surgery! Why let Jesus fool around in your heart when you can have your heart filled with the Puritan Hard Drive (PHD)—now with twice the amount of John Owen’s fatalistic arrogance!

Rick Warren and Islamists’ Secret Death Star Plans Exposed

May 18, 2011

“We are currently prototyping and testing our global P.E.A.C.E. plan.”—Rick Warren, USA Today

Rick Warren seen secretly plotting with Islamists to inact the terror of his New Age Purpose-Driven Global Peace Plan across the universe. Part of Rick Warren’s plan is to build a fully operational Death Star with the aid of Islamists.  Warren expects the Death Star to be fully operational by 2013—Warren’s Death Star will force Christians to support his New Age Purpose-Driven Global Peace Plan or so Discernmentalist Researchmentalist experts say. “Rick Warren Hits Home Run with Announcement of Global Peace Plan to Battle the Giants of Our World.” —Assist News Agency

Warren’s Death Star, which is believed to have the capacity to neutralize the minds of an entire planet, was adopted from designs stolen from George Lucas’ studios and used by Vladimir Putin in his successful takeover of Russia in the late 1900s. It was re-stolen by Rick Warren and in the works using the gargantuan profits made by both Halliburton and Islamists in the Iraq War, now referred to as ‘Liberating Iraq’s Oil.’

Brannon Howse says of Rick Warren’s Global Peace Plan:

Certainly the world is all about solving its problems without the God of the Bible. Yet many professing Christians are rushing to remedy the world’s troubles in ways that are without the support of Scripture, some even in contradiction to what the Scriptures teach. Rick Warren’s global P.E.A.C.E. plan is one of many programs and teachings that, for the most part, cannot be reconciled with God’s prophetic Word. It is Warren’s “50-year plan” to cure global issues such as “pandemic diseases, extreme poverty, illiteracy, corruption, global warming, [and] spiritual emptiness” (see He claims that his social-works agenda developed from his reading of the Gospels–that Jesus gave him the model that was the antidote to the five biggest problems on the planet (see Warren subsequently expanded that model from an exclusive endeavor of Christianity to one requiring the support of all religions.

Rick Warren’s “ill-curing” ecumenical agenda is illogical as well as unbiblical. How can his game plan for remedying “spiritual emptiness” work with those who promote a false spirituality?   We agree which is why there are a number of pastors, ministries and authors throughout the world who are opposing Rick Warren, including Dr. John MacArthur, who exposed Warren in a chapter in his book called Fool’s Gold by Dr. John McArthur. We all must take a stand against Rick Warren‘s secret New Age Purpose-Driven Global Peace Death Star Plans.

Confused? We Have Good News For You:

March 29, 2011

Confused by all the New Age Modern (Per)Versions of the Bible… Tired of all the divisions in the church because your Pastor is actually educated and knows about Textual Criticism (How dare any Divinity school teach such an evil and blasphemous idea!!!)… Never fear have we got Good News for you: Why be in bondage to one Bible translation only like those evil Roman Arminian Papists were with their Latin Vulgate Onlyism when you can believe the complete opposite—King James Authorised 1611 Bible Onlyism for the win—because if it ain’t got the King on the cover it ain’t got the King inside and if it ain’t broke it don’t need fixin’.

Any missionary worth supporting will use ONLY The King James Version (in English) and the Textus Receptus or KJV for translation work !

You have NO business supporting a missionary
who has his car trunk (boot) full of bible versions
to please the whim of the churches he visits.

Such creeps are heretics, and you should send
them packing on down the road. Do not pay their
motel bill, and do not feed them.

They are capitalistic Christians–
making merchandise of the saints.