Eric Barger rocks another Church



“What better way is there to see a society abandon historical truths than to allow them to be revised, misshaped or omitted from school textbooks? Mark my words, our Founders lofty and spiritually inspired ideals are slowly fading from view at the hands of those who publicly boast in their pledge to do damage to the centuries-old goal and privilege of experiencing Christian freedom, standards and evangelism in our land.

Make no mistake; it is NO accident that the curriculum is mum on who we really are as a nation. With the spirit of humanist educator John Dewey leading from his grave, the secularists have fought hard to accomplish their goal of “Christianity free” textbooks. At very least they desire to play down religion and do injustice to the historical significance of the faith of our Founders.”—Eric Barger

Experienced ministers know how the scenario goes. A relatively new member who has jumped into congregational life wants to share some “concerns” he has about the church.

At the appointed time, the pastor discovers this is really a test — with an agenda. Questions that did not originate with the questioner start to flow.

Questions like: “Do you believe in a literal hell, yes or no?” “Is that a Brian McLaren book on your shelf?”

“Why did you quote Nouwen and Merton last Sunday without telling the church they are dangerous?” “Have you attended a conference at which Leonard Sweet or Richard Foster spoke?”

“The word ‘missional’ was in the church newsletter this week; don’t you check for things like that?” “Are you aware that in the young adults class last Sunday, the teacher talked about social justice instead of the Gospel?”

“Why don’t you preach against evolution?” “Are you aware of Rick Warren’s universalist leanings?”—[H/T]: Some Heretical Blog that we all must take a stand against for questioning the purity of our doctrines.



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