You Won’t Believe Who Won It Big From Spotify

January 29, 2022 by

The Heretic Happy Hour that’s who and they aren’t even on Spotify or they are but that’s just what THEY want you to believe. What? You thought it was the Joe Rogan Experience…don’t be so naive. Wake up! Joe Rogan is working for THEM and here’s why:

  1. He had Jordan Peterson on his show. Jordan Peterson wore a suit and tie at least once (I saw it on a Youtube video before BIG TECH took it down). You know WHO else wears suits and ties: the CIA. This proves that JRE is a FBI FALSE FLAG to DISTRACT the general populace from all that is Going On.
  2. Jordan Peterson is also from that Communistic hellhole Cannuckistan not only that he was educated in liberal socialistic commie brainwashing factories (do you really want your kids to be brainwashed)? In the most liberal of communistic unbiblical pseudosciences: Psychology. Psychology just doesn’t work as John MacArthur (PBUH) said the best “psychology” is to lock kids up in a closet and scream and yell Bible verses at them until they’re either saved by the wide-loving mercy of God’s ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGN WRATH or commit suicide and then burn in hell (all out of God’s good and loving purposes, of course)!
  3. Joe is from Holyweird since when did we get our politics from “out of touch” Hollyweird. Shut up Mr. Actor-man—stay in your lane. We paid you to entertain us not hear your political opinions.
  4. Joe is friends with Alex Jones. Alex Jones is a bioengineered weapon of Stem Cells and bivolating anal Chem Traills created in a TOP SECRET Communist Chinese Research Lab underneath Area 51; nough said. That should be enough to prove Joe is working with THEM as only someone from an insane assylum would believe anything that Alex Jones says is true (the Goovermint being that insane assylum).
  5. Joe once debated Neil Degrasse Tyson; they both agreed with BIG PHARMA and had disingenous narratives: I don’t need to go any further to prove this—be a FREE-Thinker—do your own research until you agree with and then parrot me then you’ll see I’m always RIGHT and you’re always wrong. You’ll also be a FREE-Thinking individual non-sheep by parroting every false narrative we sell you (*so much individuality; so free-thinking; so non Sheep-like; we totally don’t all sound the same). #IHaveAnImmuneToFactsSystem
  6. He played music outside  C=256 Hz Verdi tuning thereby signifying he’s a Likud plant or in with the Royal Family.
  7. He appeared on CNN spreading Fake News and propaganda…..something something AGENDA.
  8. What? you need more reasons…do your own research…

Anyone who thinks that Sleepy Creepy Joe Rogan is #1 on Spotify is a childish moron—-the Heretic Happy Hour has sold more books on Amazon. For Joe Blogan to be #1 on Spotify would mean there was a Rigged Stolen Election by illegal dead mail in listeners. Plop the seal! I demand a Forensic cornucopia audit of all Spotify listeners in all 57 States at the taxpayers’ expense. Let’s Go Horse Joe! (F*ck Joe Rogan) What’s up Maureen! (What a moron)

Reason Magazine “Holocaust Denial” Issue Denial Denied By Reason Magazine; claims it was Antifa

January 28, 2022 by

It all makes sense as the Progressives who want equality between races; genders; sexual orientations are the True Racists, not us (who run on a platform of Whites ‘/Straights’ Only businesses) so it would have to have been ANTIFA and not the authors of Reason magazine themselves.

Let’s Go Horse Brains!

Heartless Commies Refuse To Transplant Liver Into Alcoholic

January 27, 2022 by

When will the tyranny ever end? America has been lost ever since we’ve allowed these Commie pseudo-doctors to sneak into our hospitals. Imagine the nerve of telling an alcoholic to stop drinking alcohol in order for a liver transplant to work properly. What’s next will they tell smokers to stop smoking in order to receive a lung transplant? Or a drug abuser to stop using drugs in order to get clean? What about their Freedumb? What happened to Dr’s and there hipocratic oath?

The best solution to all this nonsense is to repeal Drunk Driving Laws and abolish Speed Limits—Drivers should have the freedom of choice to decide how best to operate their Private Property. My Body My Choice…right? Let’s go Horse Joe! (F*ck Joe Rogan) Let’s go you Fun & Games Maureens! (Go F*ck yourselves, you F*cking Morons).

Bob Saget: not dead?

January 25, 2022 by

Bob Saget: dead. “I don’t think that’s true.”—Joe Rogan

Wake up Sheeple! Bob Saget is not dead. Bob Saget dying even from the booster is fake news. Everyone knows that it is an FBI False Flag by BLM and Antifa. The Mainstream Media is covering up this fact with fake news articles and disingenuous quotes from bought and paid-for crisis actors. In fact, the supposed dead “Bob Saget” is a bought and paid-for crisis actor. THEY’re doing this to hide THEIR crimes against humanity. I read this in an anonymous comment on the Joe Rogan Experience Facebook page (he told me to guzzle down urine and gobble up horse bull shit to prevent Covid and he nor Joe certainly aren’t bought and paid for by the for-profit BIG Natural industries*) so I know this is the TRUTH. I’d rather question the official narrative than buy whatever Lamestream Media is selling.

*- BIG Natural’s obscene; “sinister” and “highly suspicious” profits: One estimate of the worth of the organic and natural beauty market puts it at $54,000,000,000 by 2027. The essential oil market will be worth roughly $7,300,000,000 by 2024. Those numbers are in the billions. With a B. Don’t get it twisted; “all-natural” doesn’t mean it’s not entirely FOR PROFIT. (Source: anonymous whistleblower from Project Veritas’ script department).

Question everything—question your mom’s last name; question your birth certificate. Did you know that Bob Saget and Bill Gates are one and the same person? Have you ever seen Bill Gates and Bob Saget in the same room? No—well there you go. Other similarities: they both are male; human mammals; have first names that start with a B; wear glasses—Their glasses both have lenses, they both have earpieces…and wait, they both have hair and a nose and TWO eyes. Checkmate Statists! Deep State: Confirmed (source: military).

Also, their names are anagrams for STAGE as in this is a staged event by bought and paid-for FBI Crisis Actors taking checks from George Soros: a False Flag distraction to cover up all that’s being revealed by the forensic audit: MASSIVE Boater fraud by dead Trump Biden supporters. Not to mention that Bob Saget was known for starring in the TV sitcom Full House and what is a house full of? WINDOWS. And who created Windows? BILL GATES. This is proof that Bill Gates was an invention of the CIA’s Hollywood propaganda unit created to distract the populace from their “nefarious hidden Masonic agenda.” It all makes sense now.

Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman? The paperboy? Evening TV?

Don “QQ 4 Qaron” Jobson

“Tom Brady a Pervert”; Brannon Howse Warns

January 24, 2022 by

Tom BradyScreenshot 2018-02-03 at 9.48.04 AM

Brannon Howse of New World Order Weekend has done it again. Howse posts a story ( with a video ) showing a man biblically naked kissing his 11 year old boy telling people to watch the video to comment????????? Quote Brannon: “Tom Brady kissed his son and it made me uncomfortable…” therefore we  can conclude that Brannon has discernmentalized that Tom Brady is in the Pizza-Gate cabal.

However we at the  ODMafia think this is really weird and troubling for several reasons:
1) what does it have to do with God/the bible? What indeed but then I remembered this is discrnmentalism after-all and we focus on non-essentials. We have it down to an artform.
2) why is he encouraging people to view nakedness/possible perversion? Brannon is known for believing that nude artwork is = to porn and will turn children gay by Sight Osmosis. Could he secretly be a Bibliophile?
3) is Howse using the famous man ( Tom Brady football player ) to get ratings right before the super bowl?

Questions questions,


John MacArthur (PBUH): Hero for Religious Freedom

January 22, 2022 by

We’re so grateful that the only True living teacher of God’s Holy inerrant Word in all of church history has taken a stand against the BIG Bad California Government for religious freedom. We salute him for holding disease-spreading events; killing people and covering it up; and silencing dissent because pro-life is pro-love and religious freedom.

We liken him to all those martyrs in foreign countries suffering real persecution as: Mentioning “DARVO” is another liberal Protestant tell. This allows liberals like you to accuse and confirm guilt in the court of public opinion when the accused defends himself. The fact is that this is a remote blog, not a church court. Until you have concrete proof of what you’re saying in the form of a conviction to point to, you’re just engaging in slander and libel like a Pharisee. Pharisees, like you, had tons of accusations, to wit, “The Son of Man eats with tax collectors and sinners,” and “the Son of Man is a drunk and a liar.” Are you a hypocrite?

Quote the Pope of All Truth over our Truth War John MacArthur (PBUH): “I don’t even support religious freedom. Religious freedom is what sends people to hell. To say, ‘I support religious freedom’ is to say I support idolatry! It’s to say I support lies! I support hell! I support the kingdom of darkness! You can’t say that! No Christian with half a brain would say, ‘We support religious freedom!’ We support the truth.”

Rasing hell because religious freedom isn’t free,

Don Jobson

The Taliban Never Existed: They’re Patriotic Freedom Fighters

January 18, 2022 by

Wake up and smell the chickens. They coming home to roost. I wish more people knew WHAT’s really going on. The so-called “Taliban” never existed and Afghanistan has never been “occupied” in its entire history. All True Patriots need to rise up and rescue these Brave Patriot Freedom Fighting Heroes—the so-called “Taliban”—from the clutches of the Afghan woke feminist Marxist BLM Globalists. The citizens of Afghanistan are the real terrorists and Nazis. Not our Brave so-called “Taliban” Heroes in our good fight against the PC woke SJW crowd and the commie vax. Anyone who doesn’t believe this is a gullible rube and a childish moron. Stand up for the Flag—let FREEDOM ring!

Deborah of DTW connects Spurgeon to the NWO: Conspiracy exposed

January 17, 2022 by

Deborah of Discerning the World (DTW) has 100% done it again. DTW has discerned that Spurgeon was one of the arch architects of the New World Order (NWO). And if Deborah has discerned this we are almost 100% certain that Spurgeon was in with THEM: the Masons—therefore we can 100% conclude that John MacArthur (PBUH) is in on it as well. In fact, it is 100% backed up—see link:

Freemasons Lay the Foundation Stone for Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle (

Since this is 100% backed up with Liberty To The Captives harder backbones—we’ve 100% connected all that’s “nefarious” and “sinister” that’s going on in the world to anyone who has owned; read or moderately approved of this reprobated apostate’s heretical writings. As you can see my facts are 100% correct as they 100% go against the disingenuous Mainstream narrative. We’d like to 100% thank DTW for 100% discernmentalizing that Spurgeon is 100% part of the NWO and all that is wrong today. Clearly, everything is downgrading in these last days because of the corrupt conspiring of the heretically Masonic Spurgeon.

The Sky Is A Government Shield

January 15, 2022 by

Don’t fall for the lies of the Brandenburgers… the earth is really flat and the sky is actually a “shield put up by the Government to prevent individuals from seeing God.”” This is all true as it was observed by one of our very own Brannon Howse of New World Order Weekend. The Globalists are all in on this and we flatists mustn’t stand for this. We are now demanding the dismantling of this dome so we can see God.

John MacArthur (PBUH) takes Courageous Stand for an Avowed Marxist

January 14, 2022 by

“Spurgeon was an avowed Marxist! If you had read any books on economics or studied the issue you would know. But you socialists never look at the Biblio-economic side of things!”—Roger “god is a CAPITALIST” McKinney

We can’t believe it but it was observed by one of our Research Robot Monkeys that the John “Grace to You= condemnation to you” MacArthur (PBUH) has indeed taken a stand with Spurgeon (an avowed Marxist). Quote the tall and skinny kiwi: “Fundamentalist preachers have been railing on “wokeness” and “woke pastors” and “woke churches” for a few years now. It’s getting embarrassing for them because nobody in our world has actually EVER used that word and have no intention of using that word . .. EVER!”

And as has also been discernmentalized through osmotic researchmentalism by one of our own fellow fighters in this war against for Truth that: “This is the stand taken in America by MacArthur (PBUH) and many other faithful pastors. This is the stand we must take in the season that awaits us, the Spurgeonic stand of our time.”

This feminized heretically Marxist stand that like that ‘avowed Marxist’ Spurgeon took and that MacArthur (PBUH); Strachan; and co have taken a stand for include such unbiblical concepts as:

  • Slavery is bad
  • Heal the sick even the poor
  • Sympathize with the suffering
  • Resist empire
  • Work to end war
  • Christians need no physical weapons
  • Among other “woke” feminized heretically Marxist socialist justice concerns

What’s next? Will MacArthur (PBUH); Strachan; and co recommend that we take a stand with Johnathan “God is angry with you and wants to throw you into hell” Edwards—an ‘avowed Socialist Justice Warrior*?’ Crazy! We mustn’t let this nonsense stand.

*- “Johnathan Edwards was an avowed Marxist and Social Justice Warrior! If you had read any books on economics or studied the issue you would know. But you socialists never look at the Biblio-economic side of things!”—Roger “CAPITALISM is god’s economic system and biblical Israel was a REPUBLIC like AMERICA” McKinney

It seems in these Last Days that the good work of the Truth War against spiritual terrorism is never done,

I. Todyaso